

Android SDK 2.0がリリース

1.6が2ヶ月前に出たかと思えば2.0 Eclairの登場です。


Android SDK 2.0の導入には、SDK Toolのバージョンアップが不可欠
(SDK Tools, Revsion 3に)
Android 2.0のマイナーバージョンアップは年末を予定

I am excited to announce that the Android SDK now supports Android 2.0 (also known as Eclair).


Android 2.0 brings new developer APIs for sync, Bluetooth, and a few other areas.

Android 2.0の新規API

Using the new sync, account manager and contacts APIs, you can write applications to enable users to sync their devices to various contact sources.

同期機能、アカウントマネージャ、コンタクト APIを使って、アプリケーションを実装することで、ユーザーは複数ソースと端末を同期できるようになる。

You can also give users a faster way to communicate with others by embedding Quick Contact within your application.


With the new Bluetooth API, you can now easily add peer-to-peer connectivity or gaming to your applications.


To get a more complete list of the new capabilities you can add to your applications, please go to the Android 2.0 highlights page.


Current developers can use the SDK Manager to add Android 2.0 support to their SDK as well as update their SDK Tools to revision 3.

SDK ToolsをRevision 3にアップデートすること。
Android 2.0を追加するSDK Managerが必要

New developers can download the Android SDK from the download site.

新しい開発者は、ダウンロードサイトからAndroid SDKをダウンロードする。

After the download, Android platforms must be added using the SDK Manager

SDK Managerが必須。

The SDK Manager allows you to add new Android platforms to your SDK.
Android SDK Tools, revision 3 is required to develop for Android 2.0.


It includes support for code coverage through the Ant build system, as well as Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) support for the SDK and related tools.

・Max OS X 10.6をサポート

For those of you who develop using Eclipse, we are releasing ADT version 0.9.4 through the usual Eclipse update mechanism.

Eclipse用にADT Pluginも0.9.へ更新(Eclipseの更新機能で更新できます)

Over the next few months, we expect to see more and more Android devices being released.These devices will be running Android 1.5, 1.6, or 2.0.


We are also planning a minor version update of Android 2.0 towards the end of the year, and that will be the last update for 2009.

年末にAndroid 2.0 のマイナーバージョンアップを計画しています

Download the Android 2.0 platform and make sure your existing apps continue to work on new devices running Android 2.0.
Make sure that your apps work when using the WVGA (800x480) & FWVGA (854x480) emulator skins.


We expect devices with these types of screen, running Android 2.0 to be launched soon.

Android 2.0はまもなく立ち上がるはずです